It’s a really handy little application so you don’t have to fiddle with the console commands. Need a nice – no hassle way of accessing some of the most useful cheats functionality? We’ve got you covered with the forest trainer which unlocks a bunch of game features by using the small application. And you can now enter the cheat codes listed below. Just type in developermodeon at the title screen, then press F1. Woodpaste: fixes or resets any holes made with hole cutter or crane. Vegetarianmode: Enemies only appear during the night time.
Veganmode: You will only encounter enemies while inside caves. Regrowmod: Replenishes the forest by regrowing 10% of fallen tress while you snooze. Rawmeatmode: This mode renders your saves useless when you die as they are erased. Meatmode: When this is on – cheats are not possible Ironforest: This is an interesting cheat that makes it impossible to destroy buildings.
But keep in mind that some cheats require developer mode to be activated before they can be used. One thing to know is that this game has more cheats than you’ve probably ever seen for a game before. And for the PC you can enter in these cheats through the forest console commands – as that is the only way to access the forest cheats feature on pcs. If you do a search on google you will find a lot of different the forest cheats like the ones you’re about to see here.